Rounding the Bases

Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:

Sunday was such a wonderful day for me. As we gathered for worship I savored being home with Reservoir Church and was reminded of God's faithfulness to us and his provision in Christ. Then we hit the park and had our picnic which was amazing.

Sitting in the shade with friends, enjoy lunch, some lopsided softball (the under 30 team kind of dominated), and good conversation filled my tank. It was a reminder of the deep relationships that the Lord is building among us as he builds his church. 

Too often we can find ourselves grumbling about relationship and community the way the Israelites grumbled about food in Exodus 16. Even so, God still pours out his provision and we are made to have a family of believers in Christ, and that is exactly who you are for everyone else at Reservoir. Knowing that we each can take some of the opportunities we have to foster and strengthen our relationships in the church. Participating in a small group, finding or starting a Bible study, inviting another family over for dinner, or rounding up a few guys to grab a beer are all things we can do to spend time with each other and make Reservoir Church more than just a Sunday morning experience.

As we approach fall, I wonder if you will take on the challenge of going deeper. Will you reach out, invest time and build relationships with others at Reservoir? I would love to hear how you are going to do and I promise to encourage you along the way.  

From the provision we have in Christ to being his provision for one another. Let's do this together! 


Newsletter August 2, 2017


Newsletter July 26, 2017