Newsletter August 16, 2017

Sunday at Reservoir Pastor Tab Trainor of Grace Church in La Mesa will preach from Hebrews 3:12-13 on our Christian community, the church. That we are meant for each other to fight sin and face life together. Join us at 10 am at Del Norte High School in 4S Ranch. You don't want to miss this. 

Pray Teams - Partner with other Reservoir peeps in prayer on Sundays at 9 am and by joining our Facebook Prayer Group. Email to become part of the group.  

Production Teams - We are building our teams to help with unloading/loading of the church van, media (projection), and sound. We will train you, all are welcome to serve. Email to get trained and scheduled! 

New Giving Platform - Reservoir's online giving service is switching. If you come to the website to give each time, no worries just click on the giving page. If you have a recurring payment with PayPal you might think about switching to the new system from our site. You can also now Text-to-Give! "Text any amount to 84321 to give" and follow the prompts to set it up. 

Hold Fast Women’s Retreat - One month away! Ladies, don’t miss the first ever Reservoir Church Women's Retreat! Come reflect with us on Hebrews 10 and share times of fellowship and renewal. We will be in Big Bear Friday afternoon September 15 to Saturday evening September 16. The cost is $75 per person (covers food, lodging, and retreat materials). Contact Stacy or Janice with questions or register here.


Eclipsed by Grace for One Another


The Battle Begins Anew