Overflowing from the Gospel
Pastor Jonathan's Monday reflection:
As we center our lives on the simple gospel, the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and forgiveness of sin in him, the Lord desires to do a transforming work among us.
While I have been praying toward this end, Psalm 126 has become the rallying prayer for this season in the life of Reservoir Church.
When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with shouts of joy;
then they said among the nations,
βThe LORD has done great things for them.β
The LORD has done great things for us;
we are glad.
Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
like streams in the Negeb!
Those who sow in tears
shall reap with shouts of joy!
He who goes out weeping,
bearing the seed for sowing,
shall come home with shouts of joy,
bringing his sheaves with him. (ESV)
To be glad in Christ, to have restoration like those that dream. That revival would come like the streams of the overflowing Negeb! Full, drenched with the Spirit.
I think this is a bold prayer for us, that this would be our experience. But why not risk it for the glory of Jesus?!
Lord, restore our fortunes, bring shouts of joy to us as a people and restoration to those far off, in need of you. Help us to preach the simple gospel and allow us to see lives transformed and the world changed for your fame. Amen!