Newsletter September 6, 2017


God is sovereign, we get that. But how do we live under his sovereignty? We will watch how other saints learned to trust Jesus and look to trust him ourselves. Sunday, 10 am at Del Norte High School. Acts 1:12-26. 

Praying for Houston - We continue to pray for provision and boldness of the church to care for its community. You can also give to relief efforts. There are many organizations involved that could benefit from resources, and the North American Mission Board is one bringing relief find out more and give online here

4S Churches Picnic - Save the Date September 17 after service. We will be joining our friends at Ranchland Community Church and GC2 Church for a picnic at 4S park. Burgers, dogs, drinks, a bounce house and lots of fun. It will be a great way to enjoy some time outside with some brothers and sisters in Christ. If you want to help man the drink tent, let Jonathan or Bill know. 

Bill Pay - Now is a great time to update your bank bill pay from "Grace Church" to "Reservoir Church." 

Outreach -  This Sunday, September 10 we are visiting Villa Bernardo skilled nursing facility to share a time of worship with them. We will gather for lunch together and meet at the lobby of Villa Bernardo to pray together at 1:45 before spending time with the residents. If you are interested and able to join please contact Janice Chan or Bill Detrich.


More Than Physical Presence


Newsletter August 30, 2017