Newsletter January 31, 2018
It is much easier to avoid being killed when people have your back and Saul models the strength of the church for us as he begins his ministry. Sunday we roll on studying Acts 9:19-31. We are stronger together. Join in, 10 am at Del Norte High School.
Reading the Bible Together - February is tomorrow and that means another month of "Let's Read the Bible Together." Find the February plan on the YouVersion Bible app here. Team up with friends or your small group and find Jesus in Scripture together!
Monthly Prayer - Our prayer meeting is moving to the second Thursday of the month. So plan on next week, February 8 for prayer at the McCarthy's in PQ. 7 PM.
Bill Pay - As a reminder, our Bank is requesting that we members update their bill pay giving to "Reservoir Church" so that there are no issues with depositing your tithes and offerings.
Uhles Farewell - Before this beloved family heads to Utah there is a party in their honor. Sunday, February 4, 3 pm - 7 pm. 1830 Amie ct San Marcos, 92069. Stop by and say "so long until next time..." We will also be praying for the Uhles during our Sunday gathering.
Reservoir Stories - We are planning to prepare videos for members of Reservoir sharing how God has called them to be a redemptive influence where you are. Not much to it, just answer the following questions in video form:
- How would you describe your vocation?
- As an image-bearer of God, how does your work reflect some aspect of God’s work?
- How does your work give you a unique vantage point into the brokenness of the world?
- Jesus commands us to ‘love our neighbor as ourselves’. How does your work function as an opportunity to love and serve others?
To participate give a shout to or text 858.215.3949.