Newsletter October 17, 2018
We live in a time when anything negative about us is rejected. We set the standards for what is right and good, and self is at the center. What if we are meant for something else? Humility before the standard maker and provider or righteousness. Sunday we will encounter Isaiah 5:8-30 and see what judgment brings.
Buddy Break - Training will be held at church on Saturday 11/10 from 9:30am-12noon. This training will be required for everyone available to volunteer for our internal launch on 12/1.
Where is Your Serve - Looking to plug into our teams to make Sundays and other events happen? Interested in launching a new small group? Send a note to to make it happen.
Child Dedication - We are planning to dedicate children in November. Of your new babe, or not so new babe, is ready email to get on the list!