Newsletter November 7, 2018


Sunday’s text is Isaiah 7:1-9. Invited to trust in the promise of God, how will be respond. May we be firm in faith. Join us for worship, 10 am at 2437 S. Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Community Prayer - Tomorrow, Thursday, November 8 at 7 pm. We will gather to pray for the church, community and the advancement of the kingdom. Everyone is welcome for this casual time of seeking the Lord.

Buddy Break - Training will be held at church next Saturday 11/10 from 9:30am-12noon. This training will be required for everyone available to volunteer for our internal launch on 12/1.

Where is Your Serve - Looking to plug into our teams to make Sundays and other events happen? Especially the sound team (we will train you!) Send a note to to make it happen.


Advance North America 2018


Newsletter October 31, 2018