Fasting and Prayer
Pastor Jonathan’s Monday Reflection:
To be an evangelistic church. To see the glory of the gospel as so good it must be shared. That we would see thousands come to Christ for the first time. This is the picture we get from studying and desiring to be like the church birthed in Acts. Revival coming to those that receive Christ.
Yesterday’s worship gathering was a special one in the history of Reservoir Church. The Spirit was truly at work in our hearts and among our family of believers as we had time of spontaneous testimonies and enlivened worship. All that the Lord would reshape us to be ministers of the same gospel we cherish and that has changed us. Just imagine the testimonies to come in the future of our church!
As I reflect on the call to evangelism as a vital ingredient in the life of the church I have been mentally walking back to the start of Acts 13. Here is what is written:
“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” Acts 13:2-3 ESV
I am struck that the commissioning, and sending of these great apostolic evangelists happen in the midst of fasting and praying in the church. And it was not just before the move of the Spirit but after as well. It was essential, fasting and praying, to the life of the church.
Fast forward to 2018. We don’t treat these things as essential to the life of the church, but what if we did? What would the Spirit unleash among us.
So here is the thing, as a church we are at the edge of an important life and mission forming decision. A location for the church. But not just another building to briefly warm once a week, a headquarters for ministry, training and mission in our city and beyond. And to get to a decision, we need the Lord to make it clear to us.
Our usual routine is to form a nice pro and con list, let our personal fears shape our response and then hope the need for a decision goes away. Not unlike the Israelites we have recently been reading about in our daily reading in Numbers! But what if the Lord is calling us to move into the land he has destined for us? To anchor us and grow the church?
Rather than our usual way of processing choices and making decisions (or waiting for them to be made for us) we are determined to live like the church in Antioch. By fasting and praying. So this week I am calling those of us that claim Reservoir as our family to fast and pray - for wisdom, provision, and direction. That as a church we would have unity of vision and that we would be used by the Lord for his glory.
Sacrifice something, food, tech, tv, you decide, and spend time in prayer seeking the Lord’s face on behalf of the church. It might just be a week of personal breakthrough as well!
Will you join in? Will you fast and pray with us?
To cap the week off we are having a prayer meeting Friday at 7 pm (715 Montview Dr., Escondido). Let’s all meet up there, share how the Lord ministered to us this week and press in all the more for answers and favor.
Jesus is up to something Reservoir Church, let’s be on board and join him in the adventure!