Newsletter January 30, 2019

Sunday at Reservoir we are traversing a large section of Scripture to see the kingship of God and what that means for those who oppose him and those that put faith in him. May Jesus be our King! 10 am for worship at 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Discontents Prayer - Tomorrow, Thursday at 7 pm, we will be gathering for our weekly corporate prayer. This week we will pray for church planting. Equipping, being a sending church, supporting and partnering. What will it means for Reservoir and how will the Lord use us. Join us as we pray in the sanctuary.


Men’s Prayer

Saturday, 8 am. All the men of Reservoir will meet in the church parking lot to cry out to the Lord for our church, community and kingdom. All dudes welcome.

Advance - For the last year the elders have been interacting with and getting to know pastors, churches, and leader of Advance a church planting and strengthening movement. Over the coming months we want to engage you about the potential to partner and become a member church. Check them out

Join our Hospitality Team - Looking to hold doors and say hey to friends and strangers alike? Join our usher and greeting team. Email to sign up! 

Buddy break is happening! - We are open to the community starting February 9 from 10-1. Help us share Jesus with families affected by special needs! Need training or want to check out what we’re all about? Come by from 10:30-1 for an info session. RSVP at


Missions Prayer Focus: Unreligious


Step Up to the Mic