Newsletter January 9, 2019


Sunday we return to our study of Isaiah with a look at 9:8-10:15. What comes after the promise of Immanuel and how does God judge those that oppress the least. A heavy text with the hope of Christ. 10 am Sunday.

This Sunday we will also welcome our friend Jazmin who has been working to spread the gospel of the kingdom in the remote mountains of Mexico.

Finance Team - As promised at our recent members meeting, we are forming a new finance team to assist the elders in planning and execution of church finances. If you are capable and interested in series on the team email

Weekly Prayer - Tomorrow, Thursday, at 7 pm we will gather in the sanctuary for the first of our new weekly prayer meetings. This weeks hour will focus on seeking intimacy with Jesus. All are welcome and it would be great to labor in prayer together.

New Songs and Poems - God has given has given each of us creative gifts. Have you been using yours lately? Song writing and poetry (lyrics) is one stream that at least a few of us at Res are itching to explore. Interested? No experience necessary. Email or talk to Ben L.


Newsletter January 16, 2019


Pray for and Support the Larsens