Watercooler October 9, 2019

Isaiah 56 57.jpg

Lest we have any confusion who the church is supposed to be, Isaiah 56 & 57 gives a glimpse and another warning against idolatry. Let’s open it together this Sunday at 10. And why not bring someone you have been thinking of inviting to church? 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido. You won’t want to miss this!

Women’s Retreat | This one-day retreat is set to be a fruitful time of focused study on who God is. Registration is simple and you will want to partake in the rich time together. Click this link to sign up today.

Living by Faith Satisfied in Jesus | With the invitation to live expectant, fearless, and future-focused lives, how are you engaging life in this way this week? We would love to hear you stories of how Jesus is freeing you to live by faith satisfied in him. Drop us a line at hello@reservoir.church and increase our faith by sharing yours!


Watercooler October 16, 2019


Watercooler October 2, 2019