Newsletter March 27, 2019


Sunday we are looking forward to having our friend Matt Larsen from Southlands Church preach on evangelism. We know we are supposed to do it. But it can make us so uncomfortable. Let’s talk about it. 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Reservoir Youth | Also on Sunday after church our youth with gather for some fun and gospel goodness. You can still RSVP to

Prophesy Workshop | We are planning to host a workshop on prophesy sometime in May. Thank you to those of you that indicated interest on your connect card. If you didn’t and are still interested drop an email to

Prayer | Weekly Sunday mornings at 9:30 am and Thursday evenings at 7 pm. Join us as we seek the Lord together.


Seven Prayer | March 31 - April 6. Seven is a one-week, city-wide gathering of the Church in San Diego to fast and pray for our city, our neighborhoods, our communities, and for one another. Churches across our city will come together as the Church for seven days, to seek the face of God together for blessing, renewal, and redemption. For locations and more info check out the website.


Spring Members Meeting - April 14


“That a God Would Love Us-- That's Pure Gold”