Newsletter April 17, 2019
Join us Friday at 6 for worship and reflection on the cross of Christ. Our sin handled, forgiven, and the work necessary finished by the One who was pierced.
Reservoir Youth | Mark your calendars for April 28 after service. We will have our monthly lunch and study. Middle and High School students .
Maundy Prayer | Thursday at 7 pm we will begin our Holy Week services with corporate prayer, thinking of Christ’s body and blood shed for us. One hour of prayer with others in the Sanctuary.
Sunday is Easter! We are excited to celebrate Resurrection Sunday together at 10 am. This will be a family service so all children will be in the sanctuary with us as we think through seeing Jesus, the resurrected King. Bring you r family, neighbors, and strangers that we would all meet Jesus together.
Sundays in May we are offering a study of Basis, the foundation and fullness of our faith. This is perfect for those new to the faith, seasoned believers tuning up their embrace of the gospel and everyone in between. It is free to register here or on the Church Center App. Books will be made available for $2.
Prophecy Workshop | Saturday, June 22, 1-4 pm. We are welcoming Ed and Barbara Meyer from Southlands Church to bring some teaching on prophecy and the life of the church. We are planning to provide childcare as well. It will be a time of worship, learning and seeking after the Lord. Please register here.