Newsletter April 3, 2019
Sunday we close out our Awkward series by looking at generosity. The gospel really changes us and it makes us sacrificial, generous people. With our lives, our time, and definitely our money. But we hate to talk about it, after all our wealth is so personal. What if Jesus wants to blow a hole in that thinking? Let’s find out together at 10 am. 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.
Men’s Prayer | Saturday, April 6 at 8 am. Dudes, join in. We will walk up the hill together and petition the Lord for our city, our families and his church.
Members’ Meeting | Mark you calendars for April 14. After service we will have our Spring members meeting to discuss and affirm changes to the Book of Church Order, receive a finance update and hear news of the coming months. All are welcome, members are expected!
Good Friday Service | Friday, April 19, 6 pm. Mark your calendar for worship and reflection on the work of Christ on the cross for us.
Prophecy Workshop | Saturday, May 4, 1-4 pm. We are welcoming Ed and Barbara Meyer from Southlands Church to bring some teaching on prophecy and the life of the church. We are planning to provide childcare as well. It will be a time of worship, learning and seeking after the Lord. Please register here.