Update from Char

This week, pray for the Su Refugio team to Paraguay to have attentive eyes & open hearts for connecting with our brothers and sisters in Paraguay. Here is an update from Char:

“Let me share what has been going on last week:

Nidia, a teacher trained through Miracle 139, has a growing school- 85 students come for tutoring in small groups. She has truly taken what we taught her to the next level. Our work was not in vain!

Nidia & Staff June 2019.jpeg

I led an Active Learning Training for the second grade, Special Ed classroom in Tobati (the city where Su Refugio is). It was very well received. The only complaint was that there wasn't sugar for the coffee at break. We went to visit some of the classrooms a few days later to encourage them, model some strategies, and make suggestions for individualization. It was so encouraging to see the difference from how classrooms were run a few years ago! My co-teacher Wilson calls teachers HEROES! because of all they do with so little.

2nd grade Tobati trianing June 2019.JPG

For example, this teacher had her Special ed students make numbers with hierba (the herbs they make a favorite drink mate and tereré with).

Rocio & hierba project 2019.JPG

There's also relationship drama going on, which happens everywhere, so I need God's love and kindness to know my role in it. Thank you for praying for the work here. It's such an honor to be part of it.

Love and blessings, Charlotte”


Watercooler July 3, 2019


Watercooler June 26, 2019