Watercooler August 7, 2019

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Sunday we see the constant pull toward other things and think through the remedy God gives us in his word and through his work. Isaiah 43 & 44, 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in lovely Escondido!

Reservoir Intercessory Prayer | Tomorrow and every Thursday at 7 pm. Join us in the office for prayer for our church and the needs of our community. More info email bdetrich@reservoir.church

Buddy break needs you! | Sign up now to volunteer for our relaunch on August 10! For those who still haven’t been trained yet, we will be offering training August 10 from 11-1. Email to hold your spot! buddybreak@reservoir.church.


Theology Groups | Starting this month (3rd Monday Men’s / 4th Mondays Women’s) our theology groups will be tackling Gospel Fluency. Laying the foundation for what is to come at Reservoir. Grab a book and read, sign up at hello@reservoir.church.

Men’s Grill & Grace| Saturday, September 7 at 5 pm. We will spend some time celebrating the end of summer together.

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Watercooler August 14, 2019


Women’s Theology Now Available!