Watercooler September 18, 2019
Sunday we crack on with Isaiah and the bowl of wrath the people of God no longer stagger under. The good news of Jesus is transformative. How will it change you? 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.
Women’s Retreat | Registration is now open for this one-day retreat on the attributes of God. Register here.
Advance | As we prepare for our partnership with the Advance Movement, make yourself aware of the passion behind the network by visiting their website and social media here.
Intercessory Prayer Team | Interested in serving on our prayer team? Contact Bill at bdetrich@reservoir.church to sign up.
Women’s Theology | The ladies are back at it next Monday, 7 pm in the church office. Join in as we study Gospel Fluency.
Pastor in Need | Pastor Mario of Comunidad Cristiana de Otay in Tijuana, a long-time friend and partner church, is in need of a pacemaker to deal with a heart condition. If you would like to give to help purchase the pacemaker and surgery please contact hello@reservoir.church.