Monopoly on Joy
"But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy!" -Psalm 68:3
There are so many things in life that attempt to delay, steal, or distract us from our joy. For the Psalmist it was the encroachment of his enemies. For us, it might be schedules, brokenness of a sinful world, or the attacks of our spiritual enemy. But in Christ, our joy is secured by God. Our joy is as secure as Jesus is because he is the blazing center of it.
He is the reason, the motivation, and the deliverer of our joy. Because of his work on the cross, we have eternal salvation, an inheritance and help by his Spirit. Nothing can touch the most important thing about us: that we belong to Christ. This is ours, and it infiltrates into all areas of our lives, bringing light, hope, and the upward inclination of this joy.
Today, run back to the source and center of your joy. Set aside the lesser joys the world says you should prioritize; be washed in his grace for you, and let it raise your face into a smile of untouchable, eternal joy.