Shouldering the Government


"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." -Isaiah 9:6 

A prophetic promise ages from fulfillment and is accomplished in Christ. Not in the way some would imagine, but in the way of glory and so much better than dreamed of. 

Our Savior comes into the world, born into mess and blood and real life. He is a gift; through his perfect obedience and divine authority, he will rule all things. Not as a tyrant, but as a caregiver, a strong, eternal instigator of peace. 

This is Jesus as a gift to us.

 We can be derailed by all kinds of distractions this way or that, even the highest of concern for our political and governmental realities. But we are called to trust in this Prince of Peace, the One we know holds all and works everything for our good and his glory. 

Today how can you move off of the scary things of this world to the surpassing wisdom and care of the Son? Will you give those worries and concerns over to Jesus and ask for an experience of his counseling, strength, and peace? This is a prayer Jesus loves to answer, come what may; he is our security and our hope. 

Hope in him. Even in the midst of trouble, hope in Jesus.


May 13, 2020


May 6, 2020