May 20, 2020

We are still meeting virtually on Sunday but are looking to take slow steps back to in-person meetings. Stay tuned.

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Sunday we turn to 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 and find our coming resurrection as a motivation for the life of faith. Focused on the right things and living for the glory of Jesus. The worship video will be available on both our Facebook page and YouTube channel at 10 am Sunday morning (to prepare us for the feel of live streaming to come.) We will also host a Zoom call afterward for communion and fellowship.

Steps Forward | As the State allows counties to make determinations on opening and moving through the prescribed stages, we expect that before the end of June we will be able to assemble in medium-sized groups (why we believe we will need at least two Sunday services.) A step before the gatherings at our facility will be house church worship with members of small groups being together. In the coming days group leaders will be working to make plans for this inevitability. The elders are encouraging every household and individual to make the decisions about re-engaging that follow your conscience and we will actively work to shepherd everyone whether we see you in person or you partake in our ongoing live stream of worship. If you have any questions please reach out at

Honoring Servants | Many of us have stepped up to care for our neighbors and brothers and sisters in the church but we want to take a moment to thank a few. Scott McCarthy, Lawrence Lueng, and Becca Ung have labored to provide singing worship during these difficult weeks and we are grateful for them and their willingness to do the awkward for the good of the body. Also, our finance team has worked diligently to manage our current situation, Joey Hosford, Luke Vincent, and John Economides have taken quick action to serve us all. Our small group leaders have also had to stretch and learn new technology to facilitate community life, Bill and Chris Detrich, John and Christian Zaal, Darry and Judy Lester, Joey and Amanda Hosford have all been anchors to the life of the church these months. And to everyone else that has remained flexible and available during the pandemic, thank you.


Loved to Live


Praising in Petition