July 15, 2020

Distracted Generosity.png

Sunday we roll into 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. Paul exhorting the church to complete their promise of generosity toward the global church. They had been a bit distracted by other things and now it is time to prove their love as genuine. Life is similar for us. Distracted by myriad things that we think need more attention than those around us or the mission of the church we claim to be part of. It is an opportunity for centering again on Christ and committing to cruciform generosity. 10 am 2437 S Centre City PKWY or live online.

The Way We Gather | Due to increased restrictions from the State during the COVID-19 response we will not be meeting indoors this Sunday. We will continue to produce a live stream service with singing and preaching from our sanctuary. There is seating available on our patio under shade tents if you would like to worship in-person (we ask that you wear a mask if unable to distance under the tents). For those joining online we will host a Zoom call after service for communion.

Think Local | While the church will keep on, we mourn for local businesses that will be devastated by another shut down. Please think of supporting local businesses and wear a mask out of love for our neighbors and so we can see an end to this pandemic.


Dipping into Spiritual Gifts


Boasting in the Right Direction