The Point of the Prophetic
"On that day your mouth will be opened to the fugitive, and you shall speak and be no longer mute. So you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the LORD." -Ezekiel 24:27
Ezekiel and all the other Old Testament Prophets had a difficult task. Speak the words God directed to a people who would over and over again reject them and even wage violence against the speaker. The role of prophet would never be an easy one, but it served the purpose of pointing to the Lord.
Now in Christ, the role of the prophetic is still the same: to be a sign pointing to Christ and his lordship. It is to highlight not the speaker but the God they are speaking of. And fugitives will hear the message of grace and be forever changed.
We can do all sorts of silly things by hearing God through prophetic voices. Here then is our ruler to measure these words: do they point to Christ? Do they reveal him as the God-man, as the redeemer, as the victorious king of the universe? If they do, rejoice.
May the Lord give us the gift of prophecy in our day to make much of Christ and set captives free.