Granted Repentance
"When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life." -Acts 11:18
Peter has had this wonderful vision of animals in the sky, and it was confirmed when he was invited to share the Gospel with people in the house of a Roman soldier. At the preaching of the goodness of Christ, the Holy Spirit falls on the people—quite a surprise, because they were not Jews. What was God up to?
Peter then goes to the church in Jerusalem to report on this significant development. He is harassed for eating with uncircumcised people, but he gives his account. At the telling of how the Spirit moved on the Gentiles, the church is left speechless. They are stunned by this new thing God is doing. He has opened the kingdom to those least expected, and it is glorious.
Most of us today benefit from this development. Most of us are not of Judean descent, but we have been granted repentance that leads to life. And oh what a life it is! Life in Christ, freedom, purpose, joy—all of it deserving glory. So that is what we must do today. Glorify God for opening wide the gift of repentance that leads to life.