Enduring Strength
“[B]eing strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy[.]” -Colossians 1:11
The pastoral prayer for the church of the Colossians is what we have hope for now in Christ. That according to his glorious might, according to who he is and the extent of his power, we will be enthused for enduring what we are called to live through, and do so with patience and joy.
Our days may not always (or often) be described with patience and joy, but we get a deepening sense of those two characteristics when our enduring looks to Jesus and his strength to get through.
We are not strong people. We are in need of righteousness and the strength of another, just to walk in the way Jesus is calling us to. The glorious news is that he gives us his strength. We are not meant to achieve on our own what only can be done in him.
Today, look to Jesus for strength. Pray for it. Pray that we might endure with patience, waiting on our final redemption and joy, knowing that it is coming.