Victory Delivered
“For he has delivered me from every trouble, and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies.” -Psalm 54:7
God's faithfulness to us in Christ has really delivered us from every lasting trouble. The things that are uncomfortable now are light in comparison to the glory we are set for, and the final enemy (death) has been rendered toothless at the cross. We now in Christ have victory.
This isn't about money in the bank or spiting those we don't like, but being kept from the evil one who desires your demise. In faith, you have been rescued, and nothing can endanger you now, or ever.
Stick close to your rescuer, Jesus. Trust in him for victory, provision, deliverance, and ultimately glory. Even today, you can raise your eyes knowing the victory has been won. Live the adventure, proclaiming Christ and his goodness at every turn.