Merry Christmas Indeed
“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.” -Micah 5:2
The promise was true, the babe has come, the ruler of the kingdom has risen from Bethlehem. He is the promised one of old, from ancient days. The Messiah would save his people and begin a new family all relying on him. Jesus is the promised one, and he has come. Merry Christmas indeed.
We have many opportunities to miss the point and providence of Christmas. The work parties, the presents under the tree, the family dynamics… But Christmas is meant to remind us of this promise that has been kept. We are meant to ponder the king who comes as a babe, how God himself enters into the chaos of humanity to resolve the problem and claim a people.
Each time we see the prophetic voice telling of his coming, we have a fresh invitation to celebrate that he has. This is what Micah is for us; this is what Scripture is for us—a reminder and deliverer of the grace of Christ. He was foretold, anticipated, and witnessed. Now he is remembered and experienced through the Word and by his Spirit.
Today, see Jesus. See him in the prophetic promise, and see him working redemption in your life right now. Turn to him. Celebrate the gift that he is, and have a Merry Christmas indeed.