Consider Jesus
“Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession…” -Hebrews 3:1
Let us be thankful for this reminder to look up. Many days, we can feel like all we can do is look down, or look around us at the chaos of life. But those who have faith in Christ look not to lesser things for direction or hope; we are to consider Jesus.
How might you consider him today? Consider how he is fully God and fully man. How he entered into the mess of humanity to make it right, to correct what we made wrong. Consider his perfect life, full obedience, never doubting, never sinning — this life lived in our place. Consider his preaching of the coming of the kingdom, the upside-down kingdom that elevates the humble and secures those who trust in God. Consider his death, after a beating to hang on the cross physically dying, spiritually meeting the full weight of wrath against sin as our substitute. Consider his final breaths and his declaration that “It is finished” (John 19:30) Consider the tomb where they laid his body, the stillness of those days, the unknown. Consider life bursting forth from the grave as he rose again. Consider his call to make disciples of all preaching the good news he taught and deliverer. Consider his gift of the Holy Spirit to empower you to live new. And consider his return and forever reign in peace and perfection.
Consider Jesus. Look up and live.