How Can We Not Tell?

They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.” -Psalm 145:11–12

Psalm 145 gives a glimpse in what it means to be God's people. From generation to generation, the goodness of God is made known, parents tell children, and the message continues on just like God's faithfulness.

For those of us who believe in Jesus, this is our life. How can we not tell of the grace we have experienced in Christ? How can we not declare that forgiveness is found in this Savior and new life is his gift to us? As the year comes to an end, we can continue to reflect on how the Gospel spoke a better word into our lives these past months. God provided and revealed himself through his Word. Now we can head into the New Year determined to tell others about it.

Share Jesus with your family and friends, even with strangers, wherever you are. Speak of the glory of God's kingdom, and tell of his grace and glory for all people. You have been given a great miraculous gift. May the Lord empower you to spread it to others.


New Routines for the New Year


December 22, 2021