Welcome to the King


"And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” -Mark 11:9–10

Jesus has arrived at Jerusalem for the last time during his ministry, and he enters as a king. Confirming prophecy, he enters and the people welcome him as royalty. “Hosanna!” “We are saved!” They have a sense that the kingdom has come. They are ready for this new king to reign and save his people.

It doesn't take them long to go sideways and call for his crucifixion. From a royal welcome to a murderous plea in mere days. What happened?

This account of the Passion Week is not far from our experience today. We have a vision for a need for a new king, one to rule and reign and meet our needs. That vision is really about us remaining lords over our own lives, with this “king” simply scratching the latest itch or meeting the outstanding need. But when he comes and does something different, calls us to set aside our own rule and submit to his rule…well, we call for blood.

The King, Jesus, is exactly who Scripture said he would be: a divine ruler who would sacrifice himself for his people — for the people he would call to himself. In doing that, he calls us to repentance, turning from our old ways of living, and submitting to his rule. Submitting to his accomplished work for us and his purpose in us.

This is actually the better way. It is the way things were meant to be. Today, we can jump off of our imposter throne and see the King on his throne reigning for our good and his glory. Nothing can remove us from his kingdom and favor when we believe in him, but let's be careful that it is him, Jesus, whom we believe in.


February 10, 2021


February 3, 2021