Joy In Heaven
“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” -Luke 15:7
Jesus is telling the parables of lost things—the sheep, the coin and the son—to tell of the great joy the Father and angels have when sinners turn to Jesus.
When one sinner repents, there is more joy in heaven than excitement over the 99 righteous people who need no repentance.
Everyone is in need of repentance. We are all, by birth, sinful in nature and in need of saving. Thank God that Jesus is our Savior; he comes to us by the Spirit, regenerates our hearts, and equips us to repent. He enables us to turn from our sin and turn instead to him.
Where we get wonky is when we think we are above repentance, not needing to be forgiven This might be the most grave and common mistake for those assuming we have faith.
When we attempt to soften the law of God, when we lower the standards of perfection, we don't actually make ourselves free from sin. All we do is permit it. We slide down a slope of no need—no need for Jesus to save us and transform us, no need for repentance. Oh, the way that grieves the Spirit, and should grieve us!
Instead, the biblical model is to recognize and own our sin — all of it, none excused away — and then run to Jesus in repentance and petition for deliverance. This brings rejoicing in Heaven. And it brings freedom to us as we lean on our Savior, not our own “righteousness.”
Try it today. See sin, call it what it is, and run to Jesus. He loves you and will tell you so.