Following the Lord


“For the cloud of the LORD was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys.” -Exodus 40:38

The Tabernacle, the place to worship God, has been erected, and the people of Israel are set to move through the wilderness to the land that is promised for them. Their journey is one of following the Lord. While it would be a long and strange journey (mostly because of their sin), they will eventually get to that land. All they are to do is follow.

We often think of this situation and wonder if life would be easier if following God's plan was like Israel's experience. To have a pillar of smoke during the day and fire by night to follow. This is the original traffic signal. Move when it moves, stop when it stops, turn where it turns. What significant provision God has given his people!

But we have a daily visual reminder in God's Word. Scripture unfolds our direction, the way of Christ and living in response to his grace for us. It is as clear as type of the printed page. It is ours to follow because Jesus has fully followed in obedience for us. And what's more, he gives us his Spirit to empower our following.

We have no need for clouds and flames as the living Holy Spirit dwells within us and illumines the Bible to be our guide for pursuing Jesus, following him as he leads us. This seems to be a better situation. Even better, Jesus is our promised land. He is not only the leader; he is also the reward, provision, and radiance of our lives.

Today, let's open the Word and ask the Spirit to lead us further up and further into Jesus.


March 31, 2021


March 24, 2021