“Thus he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleannesses of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions, all their sins. And so he shall do for the tent of meeting, which dwells with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.” -Leviticus 16:16
The Leviticus 16's instructions for the day of atonement are thorough and full of blood and the transfer of guilt to innocent creatures all to cover the sins of the people.
Most of the time when I read of the sacrifices in the Old Testament, we end up just breezing past them without much thought. We don't have a recollection of the smell of blood flowing, or the experience of the Temple sacrifice. But our inability to relate doesn't remove its significance. For a moment today, imagine the weight of this needed sacrifice. There must be blood to atone for sin. It is the way instituted in the Garden of Eden with covering the shame of our first parents with the skins of animals (Genesis 3:21).
This is the same kind of ritual, a covering of the sins of the people, those who know better, set apart for God's glory. They have sin and disobedience among them, and it is dealt with yearly by the blood of another.
As those who follow Jesus, we can look upon these instructions and rejoice at their significance. The system was not changed; the law was not broken to make a way for us. It was all fulfilled once for all by the blood of Jesus. God intervened and brought a more sufficient and final sacrifice. He offered up himself to absolve the sins of those he chose and to cover their shame for eternity. No more striving. No more returning to the table of sacrifice again. It is finished.
Rejoice today. Jesus has solved the crisis of blood. He has given himself to save you. Now live in his freedom, his life for you.