Logical Response to Christ

"For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." -James 2:26

Faithful people can spend a lot of energy trying to understand James and the message he brings to the church. Many have argued through the text, and others might use it as a proof for their particular practical perspective. The reality is that James presents what is actually the logical response to faith in Christ—it transforms believers into living differently.

There is no question, and James does not challenge, that justification — the being made right before God — is all by faith alone. But that faith is not alone, it brings with it new priorities, new perspectives, and a new vigor to be obedient to the One we call Lord and serve others. This is the new life in Christ, a life of faith lived out.

The works earn nothing; you already have all you need and more in Jesus. The works don't elevate you to a different class as a Christian. The works don't define you; only what Jesus says of you shapes your identity. But works will exist in the life of those saved by grace.

Today, set aside the lure of self-righteousness, the comparison of works you do over others. Turn from trying to earn a new spot in the kingdom for your own glory. Run to Jesus. Hear of his grace, embrace it for yourself, and then spread it around as you serve and care for others.

In Christ by the Spirit, your faith is not dead, and it will change the way you live. Dive in.


May 12, 2021


May 5, 2021