Covenant Conformity
“You shall not move your neighbor's landmark, which the men of old have set, in the inheritance that you will hold in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess.” -Deuteronomy 19:14
Upon redemption, God's people are invited into a new life, one that conforms to his purpose and holiness. For Israel after the exodus, that meant respecting property rights among many other things. It was not a burden for them but a blessing; after all, they had land for the first time!
Life in Christ is similar and maybe even more glorious. We are justified by the blood of Christ and invited into covenant conformity. We are to live as Jesus calls and engage in the works he has prepared for us. It is not a burden for us but a labor of joy to live out the name and identity we have been given in Jesus. It is the adventure we were created for—living in response to his gift of grace, pursuing his holiness.
Our flesh wants to see this as a restriction, but it is a wonderful promotion into the fullness of life. Today, rejoice, for you have been given the opportunity and empowerment to live well in the goodness of Christ's work for you.