An Expanded Guest List
"And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests." -Matthew 22:10
The kingdom of God is like a king who invited guests to a wedding feast, but the invited guests wouldn't come. They just had better things to do. So the king sent his servants to bring others in — all sorts of people.
This is the kingdom. The expectations of who is on the list sometimes might surprise us, but it should delight us because we are now on it!
Think about it. You, in your sin and disobedience, don't rate as invitation material. You know that about yourself, even on your best days. But the King wants his party stocked with those who come to him. In Jesus, we are clothed with wedding garments of his righteousness, and we get to dance to the wee hours at this party. All because the King said to invite as many as we can find.
Today, recognize your place at the party. Because of Jesus and his sacrificial work for you, you are invited in and given the right to stay. Now from that position, why not invite others in? Tell them about the King. Tell them the good news of Jesus, and dance a little!