Put It On


“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” -Romans 13:14

You will face all kinds of nasty today. There will be hard conversations, temptations around every corner, and a loud chorus of the world screaming that you should want what you don't need.

You will have many choices that will show you more than anyone else, just how much you believe of the grace that you have been given. The fantastic news is that no matter how you choose, you are still Christ's if you believe in him. You are secure in him and can rest in that safety to live well.

You also put on Jesus; you wear his righteousness. Remind yourself of it, and make no provision for the flesh. Set aside the temptations, the nasty that comes your way. Put on the grace that Jesus gives you and wear it well today.


August 25, 2021


August 18, 2021