Jesus Made Known


“I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” -John 17:26

At the end of his ministry, just before the cross where he would die and take on the burden of our sin, Jesus prays the epic prayer documented in John 17. But his ministry doesn't end there, at least according to his prayer. He goes on, through his teaching and the work of the Holy Spirit, making God the Father known, so that those who believe will experience the love of God.

By his Spirit, he dwells in us, revealing over and over the truth of God's love for the Son and for us through the Son. This is what it means to know Jesus, to know the love of God.

Jesus through the Spirit by the might of the Father enables us to know the God who in love would give himself up in our place to face something we deserved, to begin to make right all of creation. Now we know our new identity in him and the purpose he gives his people to live out the love. We can rest in Jesus as our Savior and King.

Today, know Jesus. Remember what he has done for you and who he says you are. Today, know the love of the Father, the love that nothing can stand in the way of in Christ Jesus.


September 15, 2021


September 8, 2021