Being a Sheep


“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” -John 10:9

Though we are humans and not sheep, this promise of pasture and the Good Shepherd being the door sounds comforting and amazingly worthwhile.

This is Jesus telling on himself and the kingdom. There is only one way to salvation, and it is him. In him, we believe and are saved. In him, we find pasture, the place of peace, protection, and provision in Christ.

This is what we gain in faith: a Shepherd to watch over us, to protect us from evil wherever it lurks; rest in green pastures; peace that passes understanding (Psalm 23, Phil. 4:7); the vast field of sustenance, provision for our present and our future.

What good news! You are a sheep to be claimed, saved, and freed to enjoy all that Christ has for us. Today, return to the Shepherd; know of your safety and the pasture he has placed you in for his glory and your good.


September 8, 2021


September 1, 2021