
And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” -Mark 3:34–35

Here Jesus is, preaching the Good News, and his mother and brothers come to get him. This is not a supportive family. They are more worried he has lost his mind than convinced he is the Messiah. But Jesus is with the people who listen to his message, who believe in him, who “are my brother and sister and mother.”

This is not to be read as an encouragement to disregard our biological family, but it is significant that we have new family, a family in Christ. Those who believe in Jesus enter into not just an individualistic relationship with God but also into a familial relationship with other believers. These are the ones doing the will of God, believing in the One he has sent.

When you gather with a group of believers, look around; these are sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers. This is your family. Chances are, they are not postcard perfect or the ideal family. We do have our quirks after all. But these are who the Lord has determined to be part of the household. It is for his glory that we are brothers and sisters.

Rejoice, for Jesus calls you his own brother or sister when you believe in him. This is God's will, and he has given you a group of people to celebrate and do life with.


February 2, 2022


January 25, 2022