Life Laid Down
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” -John 10:11
We take it for granted, don't we? That Jesus actually laid down his life for us. The greatest of heroes, the Savior of the world, gives up his blood and breath for you.
Wolves and thieves will come and attempt to take the sheep away. But this good shepherd will protect the sheep. He knows them personally, and he lays down his life for them. This laying down was no cakewalk. He took on the burden of sin. He experienced separation from God the Father, and he was shamed by those who gathered around. Under darkness, he gave up his spirit. His life, for you.
For Jesus, it was worth it. To claim you, to cover you by his death. With joy, he welcomes you as brother or sister in the wake of his death and resurrection. You are never outside of his care.
The good shepherd knows you. He loves you. Listen to his voice and follow him. Hear him tell you how you are approved in him. And live.