March 30, 2022

Sunday we think about legacy. What will we be known for? How will we flourish? Luke 8:1-18. Join us at 9:57 am for worship and the word. 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Good Friday Service | 6:00 pm, April 15. We will have a time of singing, Scripture, and reflection to mark the death of Christ. Plan to join us.

The Zhuang are famous for their singing, and they excel at witty extemporaneous lyric composition, which can be compared to a singing rap battle.  It’s a form of dialogue, often humorous, or sometimes telling a story. Together with traditional outfits, singing is an important aspect of Zhuang cultural identity. If the Zhuang were to sing His story, it could be a powerful witness. 

 Oh sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth!
Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Psalm 96:1,3 


Cosmic Divide


Speaking of Knowledge