For Our Sake

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” -2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus took on the weight and punishment of sin so that in him you would be the righteousness of God. And that means you can stand before a perfect and holy God and not be ruined by the wrath you deserve. In Jesus, you are made right.

In the grand scheme of things, this all works out for God's greatest glory. His redemptive plan throughout all of history is adding to his glory, and we are headed toward a crescendo of glory that we can't even imagine. All of this glory will be God's alone.

It was for your sake that Jesus took on the punishment that he did. Every lash of the whip. Every shameful insult. Every nail pounded through his hands and feet. For your sake. This is really good news, however bloody. Jesus did all of this, became sin, so that you could be justified — once for all.

That is certainly a benefit beyond description. It is also a revelation that God is thinking about you, doing things for your good. You are known better by God than by anyone else you might encounter, and he chooses to act “for our sake.” Because of Jesus and his covering of righteousness for you, God won't stop doing things for your sake. He really is working all things for your good and his glory.

Rest in his kindness and work for your sake.




March 2, 2022