Seeking Justice

Many seek the face of a ruler, but it is from the LORD that a man gets justice.” -Proverbs 29:26

We are always seeking the right leader. If only we could elect the perfect person, hire the right pastor, or work for the innovative boss, things would get better. They would recognize my worth, they would right the wrongs of society, they would give me a voice. If the appropriate ruler heard my plea, everything would change.

Thankfully, there are many leaders who pursue honesty, caring, and true justice at each opportunity. But the proverbial wisdom here is that our ultimate source of justice is not petitioning a king in person; it is in knowing the One true king who can deliver us.

From the LORD, from Yahweh, God almighty, justice comes. He will make things right. He will distribute just desserts and declare sentences for those in opposition. This sounds great, except we are among those who deserve justice—not as vindication of our situations, but as punishment for our sins. We are corrupt and sinful, disregarding God. At the declaration of justice from God, the proverb is not as comforting as we first might imagine.

Then we remember Jesus. Jesus, the King, has shouldered the burden of my punishment and shed his blood to bring justice. Now his face is the only one to seek. It is the place of safety, security, and justice. We can also now live to pursue the advocate side of justice, helping those in need, protecting the weak and those oppressed. With the new voice I am given in Christ, I can speak up against the injustice of my world no longer left waiting for a ruler to do so.

In Christ, justice has been met and now serves as a motivator for our lives. Let us rejoice that we have been made blameless, and let us work to share this good news and bring justice in our day.


Remember Guangxi


April 6, 2022