Taking Wrath and Turning it to Favor

“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” -1 John 2:2

Jesus is the advocate of those that sin. He is quick with forgiveness, and he speaks on our behalf before the throne in heaven. The reason he can do so is that he is our propitiation for sin. He is a sacrifice that bears God's wrath and turns it to favor, a perfect life, a perfect sacrifice given in substitution for us. We are no longer under wrath but under God's singing love and approval of us in Christ.

Propitiation is not only a big theological word; it is the glory of the Gospel!

This is also an offer of salvation made to the world. Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to cover all who would believe in him;  his blood is powerful enough to cover the sins of the whole world, but it is made effective for those who repent and believe in him. This is not exclusionary but actually motivational for us, to take this message of Christ as the propitiation to those in need of a Savior.

Today we can rejoice that we are under the propitiating work of Jesus and take the message of it to others. It changes how we live, no longer in fear of the unknown or lost in our sin, but hopeful as we experience the favor of God that Jesus provides. Nothing can harm us since this is true. We can live now to be obedient to Jesus and to share him with those we encounter and intentionally evangelize.

Let the joy-filled reality of your salvation drive you to bring others along as well. You are covered, and Jesus is strong enough to cover others. Let's go!




May 18, 2022