Burdens No Longer Boulders
“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” -Psalm 55:22
What is it going on in life? What are the roadblocks, the difficult situations, the hard relationships, the struggles? What are the things that bring you an unhealthy burden, that drain you of life and energy?
These are the things we are to cast on the Lord, turning over the burdens, giving them to God. This verse is a prayer of release: “God take these burdens, I can't handle them. I need you to carry me through.” He will never permit the righteous to be moved. The righteous will not be beaten down and left to languish. They will be stable and kept by God.
Christian, do you know that the Psalmist is talking about you when he says “the righteous”? You who have believed in Jesus for salvation actually wear the righteousness of Christ. It is because of Jesus that God hears your cry of release. It is because of Jesus that you have a place to cast your burdens. And it is because of Jesus that you will not be moved. He sustains, he covers, he holds you.
Today, know you are held and free to cast your burdens on the One who will carry you through. Let them go, and cling to him.