June 15, 2022

Sunday John Zaal preaches from Luke 12. What does it means to seek the Kingdom of Christ in this anxious age? You don’t want to miss this. 10 am, 2437 S Centre City PKWY in Escondido.

Disability Ministry | We are transforming one of our CM rooms into a sensory room and need your help! Use the QR code to see our Amazon wish list of some supplies that we are hoping to use as teaching and environmental supports for our VIPs on Sundays. Donations can be made by purchasing items directly from Amazon or by issuing a donation to Reservoir for the cause.

Bottles for Babies | Sunday bring your full bottles of change and cash in support of Alternatives Medical Clinic.

Sunday Morning Prayer | 9 am each Sunday in the Children’s/Office space. Join us to pray for the church, community, and Kingdom.


Illuminated by the Lord


Remember GX: Let Down Your Hair