August 24, 2022
We wrap up our Summer Psalms series this Sunday with a look Honest Hope. Finding what we need to get through the struggle of life. It really is good news. Join us for worship at 10 am, 2437 S Centre City PKWY.
Small Groups | We are looking to refresh our small groups in the Fall. If you are interested in hosting a new group hit us up at
Children’s Ministry Volunteers | Our faithful crew of teachers has been diligently teaching the children Sunday mornings. It is high time they have some help in the rotation. It is probably time to help us teach the kiddos about Jesus. Teenagers, parents, and grand, sign up at for a once-a-month slot (less the more that volunteer!)
Lunch & Learn | Save the dates for a monthly lunch & learn for current and future CM teachers and buddies! 9/18, 10/16, 11/6, and 12/4 from 12-3pm. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity to be equipped! Lunch is provided, courtesy of a generous grant from Manna So Cal. Please RSVP so we can get a head count: