Remember GX: Homeland

While training in a far away megacity, GX native and leader Brother Ming received the call to “go back to his homeland”. He and his wife have learned ways to share good news that can be passed on again and again. They’ve seen believers learn to share in their heart languages, too.

Recently, his mother was diagnosed with bone cancer. When he shared this diagnosis with his mother, she clung to Jesus and said, “No matter whether I’m healed or not, I will believe in Jesus.”

Brother Ming and his family need to focus on caring for his mother for this season, though they both know they are still called to God’s people in GX.

We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Pray that Brother Ming and his family have all they need to care for his mother in this season. Pray that the Lord would use this season as a caregiver for his family’s good and preparing of the harvest. Pray that Brother Ming’s unsaved family would know he is a disciple of Jesus by his love for his mother, and desire to follow Jesus themselves.


January 25, 2023


January 18, 2023