Remember GX: Relationships

Sister Yin is in graduate school in GX. She has a heart to see all of GX’s peoples reached with the gospel. She’s almost 30 years old, on the edge of being considered “too old” to get married, as some say in China.

Getting married has been a huge weight for her and her parents. Nor is she alone in this problem: single Christian women greatly out number eligible Christian men in China. Recently, she met a young man who professed faith in Christ, but it turns out he was involved with a cult. She asked her pastor to help, and they are sharing truth with this young man in hopes he, like the apostle Paul, will repent and follow the true Christ.

Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17

Pray that the Lord would show his work and glorious power in Sister Yin’s situation. Pray for more marriageable Christian men and for the single Christian women to discern and follow God as he leads. Pray for truth to set free those those trapped in false teaching.


February 1, 2023


January 25, 2023