Remember GX: The Way of the King

Preparing the way for a king is the custom of sending a “messenger along to inform the inhabitants of [his] coming and to pave the way, to make it passable, literally to remove all obstacles,” writes Peter Verhoef in The Books of Haggai and Malachi.

In 2023, Remember GX will share prayer requests that let us prepare the way for King Jesus in GX. Requests will be directly related to God’s current work in GX. We look forward to sharing where Jesus is needed in GX and how the King of Kings comes to GX peoples.

This month, let’s prepare the way for God in GX, despite what seems like a dormant winter season. Due to national covid policy, family emergencies, and personal journey, willing servants of Christ in GX are called to focus on other matters than the ministry they had hoped. Stay tuned for ways to pray for them.

“In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord…and the glory of the Lord

shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” Isaiah 40:3,5

Pray for the glory of the Lord to be revealed in all circumstances in GX, even through COVID outbreaks and quarantine.


Elder Nominees


January 11, 2023